St. Paul’s Stewardship initiative is focused on focused on raising awareness about the importance of stewardship to our faith and community life, as well as sharing ideas for becoming active and contributing stewards in God’s Kingdom.

Our goal is to provide accessible, thought-provoking resources that:

  • Help us better appreciate what stewardship is and why it matters
  • Explore our potential role as stewards in God’s world
  • Encourage and challenge us to improve our stewardship
  • Reframe stewardship as a holistic practice that can be put to work to every aspect of our lives (family, friends, neighbours, community, and work—not just at church)
  • Suggest opportunities to fulfil our potential using our God-given gifts and resources (time, human, financial, etc.) to serve God’s Kingdom more effectively

Spiritual gifts are tools God gives Christians to do the work of ministry. They are meant to be a source of joy in our Christian life, influencing our motivations and the way we reflect God’s love to those around us.

We have been sharing simple, practical resources to help you identify your spiritual gifts and put them into practice in your daily life. Keep checking back here for recent additions!


There are lots of opportunities for you to share your gifts with the St. Paul’s community! To find out more about how you can get involved, visit our ministries page or contact the Stewardship Team.