Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.$20,000Raised $6,525 towards the $20,000 target.$6,525Raised $6,525 towards the $20,000 target.33%

The heart of St. Paul’s is God and His people. Our physical space is one of the primary ways we extend that heart to our community. The Heating Fund campaign is focused on recovering the cost of much-needed upgrades to our building’s heating system so we can continue to carry out our ministry in a warm and welcoming space.

St. Paul’s relies on multiple furnaces to reliably heat various parts of our building. While the furnaces themselves are working well, we recently discovered that the pipes that distribute heat were not up to code and had to be replaced.

This is a significant project that involved extensive work throughout the building. These repairs were urgent and forced us to draw from our savings to address them before the 2024-2025 winter heating season.


St. Paul’s has a remarkably strong history and tradition of faith and committed, sacrificial stewardship in meeting the challenges of providing ministry and outreach. Please help us carry on this legacy by prayerfully considering your support for this initiative.

You can help us reach our goal by doing any of the following:

  • Donate online: Click the buttons at left to Donate via PayPal or CanadaHelps
  • Donate securities: This donation option comes with additional tax benefits. Click the “Donate Securities” button at left for more information or to give
  • PAW: Download the pledge form or pick up a physical copy in the church Narthex
  • eTransfer: Send your donation to treasurer@stpaulshk.org with the note “Heating Fund”
  • Cash/Cheque: Donate using your regular envelope with the note “Heating Fund”

For more information, please email campaign@stpaulshk.org, phone the church office (613-836-1001), or speak to Debbie Randall, Wayne Keech, or Kristen VanderHoek.

Thank you for helping to make St. Paul’s a modern and welcoming space for everyone who walks through our doors!