Welcome to St. Paul’s Anglican Church!
St. Paul’s is a community of people that assist one another to become mature followers of Jesus. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, we hope you will find St. Paul’s a place of welcome and friendship.
Here is some information to help you plan a first visit. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please let us know! Our contact information is at the bottom of the page, and we’re always happy to answer questions.
Regular Services
7:45 AM Sundays
Said Service. This service includes Holy Communion (also known as the Eucharist or the Mass). The service is a said service (without music), and uses the Book of Alternative Services (the modern Anglican prayer book).
9:00 AM Sundays
Traditional/Choral Service. This service includes Holy Communion (also known as the Eucharist or the Mass). The service is a bit more formal than the 11:00 service, and uses the Book of Alternative Services (the modern Anglican prayer book) and traditional hymns with choir and organ.
11:00 AM Sundays
Praise Service. This service includes Holy Communion and features contemporary music. This includes praise songs and occasional traditional hymns, and is accompanied by a band (keyboard, guitars, percussion). This service is informal and user-friendly.
10:00 AM Wednesday Bible Study
This is currently only offered online and takes place weekly. Contact the church office for a Zoom link.
Sunday School
We offer programming for elementary school-aged children every Sunday at the 9:00 and 11:00 services. We meet in the downstairs classroom as the service begins, and return in time to receive communion. Children’s time includes age-appropriate stories, songs, and crafts. A colouring table is also available for children to use during Sunday services while accompanying parents in the pews. We also offer monthly Family Nights, usually held on the last Saturday of the month. These feature activities and a meal for children and their families. Check the church’s weekly update email or our Sunday church announcements for more information.
The parish nursery is available for young children during Sunday services, and the service is broadcast live on-screen. The nursery is located in the south hallway, next to the main sanctuary. The space is unsupervised, so parents are asked to remain with their children while in the nursery.
How do I find St. Paul’s?
St. Paul’s is located on Young Road in Kanata. The main church can be accessed through the double doors from the North Parking Lot. This is also a fully accessible entrance. The offices and meeting rooms are located on the lower level of the building and can be accessed via Young Road from the South Parking Lot.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the service easy to follow?
Our Sunday services follow a pattern called a Liturgy. This is a common pattern of service which Anglican churches follow across the country. At St. Paul’s, we project the words and songs of the liturgy onto a large screen to make it easy to follow along. We also provide a printed bulletin to the congregation with notes on the service and with other important information.
Can I receive communion?
Communion is an important ritual in the church’s life, where people show their faith in Jesus and receive his grace. We celebrate communion at most of our Sunday services, Communion is open to all baptized Christians, regardless of your church background. Children are allowed to receive communion, with the permission of their parents.
How do I receive communion?
Currently, we ask the congregation to remain in their pews until the sidesperson (usher) indicates the time to come forward. Then, congregants are invited to line up in the central aisle. Each person comes forward to receive by standing at the bottom step of the altar, and extending both hands forward with the right hand on top of the left. The minister then places a wafer of bread in the hand. After receiving, congregants return to their seat using the side aisle.
What if I’m not baptized, or if I don’t consider myself a Christian?
We would love to have you with us! Everyone is welcome to participate in our services as much as they are able. Some parts of our service include professions of faith, which not everyone feels ready to participate in. Receiving communion is a profession of faith, and so are things like the creed. However, we believe God loves everyone and welcomes us even if we can’t agree with everything the church professes. So, don’t feel pressured or embarrassed if you can’t participate in everything. We promise to respect your choices and to make you feel as welcome as we can.
Is your building accessible for those who have mobility challenges?
Yes! The main (upper) floor is all located on one level, and is accessible for those with mobility challenges. We are also equipped with an elevator which provides access to our lower level classrooms.